Needles Pleasure Cruises

Needles Pleasure Cruises - Isle of Wight

Slow Cruise:
We offer two types of trip, firstly the traditional cruise to the Needles Rocks and Lighthouse, departing from the beach at Alum Bay on a circular route around the bay, taking in the views of the coloured sands of Alum Bay, passing under the dramatic chalk cliffs towards the Needles Rocks and Lighthouse. The return leg sweeps out across the bay to view the Needles Channel and the military forts protecting the area. This trip typically lasts at 20-25 minutes. Adults: £7.00 Children: £4.00. No age restrictions. Maximum capacity 94 people with live commentary throughout.
Fast Cruise:
The second trip encompasses all the sights of the traditional cruise, but is aboard either of our fast Rigid Inflatable Boats (RIBs) Summer Rose or Wild Rose and is a 15 minute trip, taking you a little further into Scratchells Bay for that perfect photo opportunity on the south side of the lighthouse. From here you're able to see the coastline all the way down to St Catherines point at the southern most tip of the Isle of Wight. Cost £15.00 per person or family ticket of 2 adults & 2 Children at £55. Minimum age / height restrictions, dependant on the weather, do apply for this particular trip. Maximum capacity for this trip 12 people, operating mid and peak season only.